Cloud Security Posture Management
Cloud Native Security

Optimize Your Cloud Security with Loginsoft’s Cloud Security Posture Management

Ensure secure and compliant cloud infrastructure with policy-as-code, IaC, and integrated security practices tailored for your CI/CD pipelines.

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How we help

Key Features & Benefits

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Customizable Security Policies

Flexibility and precision in enforcing security measures with tailored policies using tools like Rego and Pulumi.

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Seamless CI/CD Integrations

Automated and continuous security checks integrated into your CI/CD pipelines without disrupting workflows.

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Proactive Risk Management

Early detection and quick remediation of misconfigurations to reduce the risk of breaches and data leaks.

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Streamlined Compliance

Expertise in compliance procedures to ensure adherence to standards like NIST 800.53 and CIS Benchmarks.


Trusted & loved to
stop cloud breaches

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Loginsoft’s solutions have significantly enhanced our security posture, providing peace of mind in our cloud operations.
Fortune 500 Company
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The real-time threat detection and continuous monitoring have been game-changers for us
Fortune 500 Company
Discover how Loginsoft’s Cloud Security Posture Management can fortify your cloud infrastructure.
Contact us today to secure your cloud environment.
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