Threat Intelligence
Threat Research & Intelligence

Threat Intelligence

Stay-in-the-know about latest vulnerabilities happening worldwide with Loginsoft’s Threat Intelligence.

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Global Vigilance, Focused Defense.

We help you stay informed about the latest vulnerabilities (CVE) actively targeted or exploited in the wild, as well as those weaponized on a daily basis.

Our solution works on data gathered from sensors deployed worldwide, providing insight into which payloads are used for scanning or exploitation and IP addresses involved in these activities.

Key Benefits

A Worldview like None Other

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Improved Cybersecurity Posture

We enable you to proactively address security issues by being informed about current vulnerabilities and threats.

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Targeted Defense Strategy

We help you allocate resources more efficiently to protect critical assets knowing which products are targeted.

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Global Threat View

Our worldwide sensor network offers us a comprehensive view of threats, transcending local or regional perspectives.

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Insight into Exploitation Tactics

We have access to information about the payloads used for scanning or exploitation and IP addresses involved.