Palo Alto Networks Cortex XSOAR Integration

Palo Alto Networks Cortex XSOAR Integration

September 9, 2021
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Jason Franscisco

The changing threat landscape in cybersecurity has highlighted the need for a platform that centralizes intelligence from various sources in order to perform an effective security operation and workflow. Cortex XSOAR combines both security orchestration and incident management. This helps security teams to reduce Mean Time to Detection (MTTD) and Mean Time to Respond (MTTR), maintain consistent incident management process and boost Security Operations Center (SOC) efficiency.

At Loginsoft, our engineers have built an integration with Cortex XSOAR for a leading Cyber Threat Intelligence source providing visibility into the origin of attacks. Fortune 500 companies use this exclusive data source to power their security and fraud investigation within their Cortex XSOAR instance. The integration runs with a set of commands which enables to execute as Playbooks or through API Calls in the War Room. The War Room is a collection of all investigation actions, artifacts, and collaboration pieces for an incident. It is a chronological journal of the incident investigation.

This integration helps Cortex XSOAR users to enrich IOCs such as Domains, URLs, Hashes, and IP Addresses in XSOAR platform. The integration also consists of pre-built Playbooks that collects and analyzes information, which can be used directly to simplify the Incident Investigation Process.

XSOAR Integration Features:

  • Manual and Automated Enrichment of IOC’s using commands in the War Room and in the Playbooks
  • Pre-Configured Playbook that could be used directly for the Incident Response Process
  • Fetch Threat Indicator Feed into XSOAR Platform

Key Benefits:

  • Access to Threat Intelligence dataset inside of Cortex XSOAR enrichment, automated investigations and visibility of origin of attacks
  • Automated Playbooks for enrichment of IOCs observables for Domains, URLs, Hashes and IP
  • Reduce reaction time to fetch Threat Intelligence source and analyze malicious attacks

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About Loginsoft

For over 20 years, leading companies in Telecom, Cybersecurity, Healthcare, Banking, New Media, and more have come to rely on Loginsoft as a trusted resource for technology talent. From startups, to product and enterprises rely on our services. Whether Onsite, Offsite, or Offshore, we deliver. With a track record of successful partnerships with leading technology companies globally, and specifically in the past 6 years with Cybersecurity product companies, Loginsoft offers a comprehensive range of security offerings, including Software Supply Chain, Vulnerability Management, Threat Intelligence, Cloud Security, Cybersecurity Platform Integrations, creating content packs for Cloud SIEM, Logs onboarding and more. Our commitment to innovation and expertise has positioned us as a trusted player in the cybersecurity space. Loginsoft continues to provide traditional IT services which include Software development & Support, QA automation, Data Science & AI, etc.

Expertise in Integrations with Threat Intelligence and Security Products: Built more than 250+ integrations with leading TIP, SIEM, SOAR, and Ticketing Platforms such as Cortex XSOAR, Anomali, ThreatQ, Splunk, IBM QRadar & Resilient, Microsoft Azure Sentinel, ServiceNow, Swimlane, Siemplify, MISP, Maltego, Cryptocurrency Digital Exchange Platforms, CISCO, Datadog, Symantec, Carbonblack, F5, Fortinet, and so on. Loginsoft is a partner with industry leading technology vendors Palo Alto, Splunk, Elastic, IBM Security, etc.

In addition, Loginsoft offers Research as a service: We're more than just experts in cybersecurity; we're your accredited in-house research team focused on unraveling the complexities of cybersecurity and future technologies. From Application Security to Threat Research, our seasoned professionals have cultivated expertise in every facet of the field. We've earned the trust of over 20 security platform companies, who count on our research and analysis to strengthen their cybersecurity solutions.

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