Zero Day Vulnerability - Research and Report!

Zero Day Vulnerability - Research and Report!

November 23, 2018
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Jason Franscisco

Imagine a day without the digital gadgets or devices!! Pretty hard it is right? Yes, our daily routines are dwelled with the digital dependence either directly or indirectly.

There is a vast data out there exposed in each and every corner of the present world in a misconception of being secured. The fact is, there is no such data as of now, which can be claimed to be 100% secure and threat free in this emerging digital world. There is always a black eye watching all your digital actions and waiting to breach defenses and exploit the weakness of the software system. Identifying such vulnerabilities at an earlier stage can benefit a lot to the software system as well as for the respective organization.

As per recent CVE reports, the vulnerability existence is increasing rapidly when compared to 2017 and 2016 years. There are around 15310 reported vulnerabilities in the year 2018 alone. This is not just a number, but an alarm to the entire digital world to safeguard their data and increase the robustness of their software security as soon as possible before they get hit by a cyber-scandal.

Vulnerabilities by Year
Source: https://www.cvedetails.com/browse-by-date.php

What is a Zero Day Vulnerability?

There are many well defined explanations of Zero-day Vulnerability present in the digital ocean, but when elucidated in a bold and blunt sense, it can be coined as- 

A high-tech security term which accredits to an exposure of the weakness in a software code, or a set of instructions which when not addressed can act as a gateway for the hackers to intrude into the system and blemish it.

Such weakness points when not recognized prior to the cyber attackers can unveil the entire system into trouble. So, it always advised for a thorough and regular analysis of entire software system to detect the existence of vulnerabilities.

How Zero-Day Vulnerability affects your system when not identified and addressed?

When an existing vulnerability is not identified, the

  • Your system is endangered to the data leakage and data manipulation
  • Unauthorized logins can be expected
  • Denial of Service can be experienced.
  • Software shutdown may happen
  • System crash or performance slowdown can be encountered.

When an identified vulnerability is neglected and not addressed, then it can destroy your system and your associated customer’s data to the core extent.

  • Your entire system is at high risk of cyber attack
  • There is a chance to lose the trust of your clients and customers
  • Time and monetary investment loss

Motto of Loginsoft Research Team:

We at Loginsoft completely believe in Prevention is always better than cure policy and our dedicated research team always works hard to identify the vulnerabilities in an open source software systems and try to communicate the same with the respective vendors immediately. This helps our customers to work on the patches to protect the exposed data by increasing the security strength.

How Loginsoft explores the vulnerabilities:

Step 1. Vulnerability Research:

  • Initially Loginsoft chooses any of the existing open source software systems and the research team starts working their brains to detect any leakages or exposures in the softwares with well-defined techniques and tools.
  • A thorough examination is made on each and every piece of code to identify the deviations.
  • Entire firmware or software analysis is carried out in a professional approach to understand the functioning of the software before checking for the errors.

Step 2. Vulnerability Detection:

  • Once we identify any vulnerability, it is studied further to confirm and understand its impact.
  • Then a detailed a CVE report is generated.

Step 3. Vulnerability Intimation:

  • Loginsoft contacts the respective owner and informs about the vulnerabilities found and how they can affect their systems.
  • Here, we co-ordinate with the customers to patch up the issues and assure them that unless the vulnerabilities are addressed, the researched data is not published on our site by adhering to the customer policy and principles.

Step 4. Vulnerability Publishing:

As soon as the concerned customer fixes their issues, Loginsoft publishes the researched vulnerabilities for the purpose of knowledge sharing.

Loginsoft Research and Reporting

:Loginsoft has discovered about 15 cases of vulnerabilities which include stack overflow vulnerabilities, heap overflow and null point vulnerabilities in different open source software systems so far and the number is counting still. Click here to know more about our research and bug reporting.

Loginsoft Vulnerability Reports
Loginsoft Vulnerability Reports
Loginsoft Vulnerability Reports

Conclusion:Loginsoft aims to detect the vulnerabilities and deviations in the existing software codes which can help the customers to boost their security strengths and prevent them to be exposed for other malicious attacks. We are bound to our services and policies to detect the glitches of software codes and assist the development teams to fix the identified issues for a smooth functioning of entire system and to gain the customer satisfaction at end of the day.

Credit: Security Research Team

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